Source code for gambling_pool

import ecyglpki
import collections

pspace = ('W', 'D', 'L')
"""The set of possible football match outcomes (Win, Draw, or Lose)"""

Gamble = collections.namedtuple('Gamble', pspace)
"""Gamble on the outcome of a football match

With each possible match outcome, the gamble assigns a payoff (a |Real|);
it corresponds to winnings if it is positive, to losses if it is negative.


[docs]def lp_setup(lp, accdss): """Set up the basic linear feasibility problem defining the gambling pool A number of players will form a gambling pool: * Each player states which gambles he finds *acceptable*, i.e., which have an expected payoff that is nonnegative * If there is a bet between the players, a gamble is assigned to each of them; from the player's perspective, the assigned gamble should be acceptable, meaning that is a positive linear combination of the gambles that that player has stated to be acceptable * The stake is assumed to be one, i.e., the assigned gamble's lowest payoff is -1. * There is a bet between the players if the gambles assigned to the players sum up to one for each possible match outcome and the assigned gambles do not all have identically zero payoff * An important quantity for each player is the ‘lower prevision’ of the gamble assigned to him: the greatest lower bound on the player's expected payoff for the assigned gamble that can be deduced from the player's stated acceptable gambles * The objective is to maximize the sum of the lower previsions, possibly under additional constraints :param lp: the problem object to set up :type lp: `ecyglpki.Problem` :param accdss: the gambles accepted by the players :type accdss: `dict` of `str` (player id) to `list` of `Gamble` :returns: the set up problem object :rtype: `ecyglpki.Problem` """ for player, accds in accdss.items(): # per-player setup for outcome in pspace: player_outcome = player + outcome # constraints to ensure the assigned gamble is acceptable, # i.e., nonnegative for each outcome lp.add_named_rows(player_outcome) lp.set_row_bnds(player_outcome, None, 0) # variables for the gamble to be assigned lp.add_named_cols(player_outcome) lp.set_col_bnds(player_outcome, -1, None) # stake of 1 lp.set_mat_col(player_outcome, {player_outcome: -1}) # variables for the assigned gambles' lower previsions player_lpr = player + 'lpr' lp.add_named_cols(player_lpr) lp.set_col_bnds(player_lpr, 0, None) # ensure nonnegative lprs lp.set_mat_col(player_lpr, {player + outcome: 1 for outcome in pspace}) lp.set_obj_coef(player_lpr, 1) # objective is the sum of lprs # variables for the accepted gambles' coefficients that define the # assigned gamble as a positive linear combination of acceptable # gambles for accd in accds: j = lp.add_cols(1) lp.set_col_bnds(j, 0, None) # ensure nonnegative coeffs lp.set_mat_col(j, {player + outcome: getattr(accd, outcome) for outcome in pspace}) # remove names from database that are not needed anymore for outcome in pspace: lp.set_row_name(player + outcome, '') # global setup: constraints that ensure the assigned gambles sum up to zero for outcome in pspace: lp.add_named_rows(outcome) lp.set_row_bnds(outcome, 0, 0) lp.set_mat_row(outcome, {player + outcome: 1 for player in accdss.keys()}) return lp
[docs]def lp_assign(accdss): """Assign gambles to all players that maximize the sum of lower previsions :param accdss: the gambles accepted by the players :type accdss: `dict` of `str` (player id) to `list` of `Gamble` :returns: the gamble assigned to the players and the corresponding lower prevision value :rtype: `dict` of `str` (player id) to {`'gamble'`: `Gamble`, `'lpr'`: `float`} >>> Agambles = [Gamble(.5, .25, -1), Gamble(1, -1, -1)] >>> Bgambles = [Gamble(-1, -1, 2), Gamble(1, .5, -.25)] >>> Cgambles = [Gamble(-1, 0, -1)] >>> accdss = {'Alice': Agambles, 'Bob': Bgambles, 'Cthulhu': Cgambles} >>> solution = lp_assign(accdss) >>> assert solution == ( ... {'Alice': {'gamble': Gamble(W=2.0, D=-1.0, L=-1.0), 'lpr': 0.5}, ... 'Bob': {'gamble': Gamble(W=-1.0, D=-1.0, L=2.0), 'lpr': 0.0}, ... 'Cthulhu': {'gamble': Gamble(W=-1.0, D=2.0, L=-1.0), 'lpr': 2.0}} ... ) """ lp = ecyglpki.Problem() # construct the linear program lp_setup(lp, accdss) # solve the linear program lp.set_obj_dir('maximize') smcp = ecyglpki.SimplexControls() # (default) simplex control parameters smcp.presolve = True status = lp.simplex(smcp) # solve using control parameters given if status != 'optimal': raise RuntimeError('Error while solving...: ' + status) smcp.presolve = False status = lp.exact(smcp) # now solve exactly using control parameters given if status != 'optimal': raise RuntimeError('Error while solving...: ' + status) return {player: { 'gamble': Gamble(*(lp.get_col_prim(player + outcome) for outcome in pspace)), 'lpr': lp.get_col_prim(player + 'lpr') } for player in accdss.keys()}
[docs]def milp_assign(accdss): """Assign gambles to some players that maximize the sum of lower previsions As compared to `lp_assign`, we now try to make the bet fair in the sense that for each player the lower prevision for the assigned gamble is equal to the other player's lower prevision, or the gamble assigned to the player is zero for all outcomes. :param accdss: the gambles accepted by the players :type accdss: `dict` of `str` (player id) to `list` of `Gamble` :returns: the gamble assigned to the players and the corresponding lower prevision value :rtype: `dict` of `str` (player id) to {`'gamble'`: `Gamble`, `'lpr'`: `float`} >>> Agambles = [Gamble(.5, .25, -1), Gamble(1, -1, -1)] >>> Bgambles = [Gamble(-1, -1, 2), Gamble(1, .5, -.25)] >>> Cgambles = [Gamble(-1, 0, -1)] >>> accdss = {'Alice': Agambles, 'Bob': Bgambles, 'Cthulhu': Cgambles} >>> solution = milp_assign(accdss) >>> for player, data in solution.items(): # round floats for doctest ... solution[player]['lpr'] = round(data['lpr'], 2) ... solution[player]['gamble'] = Gamble(round(data['gamble'].W, 2), ... round(data['gamble'].D, 2), ... round(data['gamble'].L, 2)) >>> assert solution == ( ... {'Alice': {'gamble': Gamble(W=1.4, D=0.0, L=-1.0), 'lpr': 0.4}, ... 'Bob': {'gamble': Gamble(W=-0.4, D=-0.4, L=2.0), 'lpr': 0.4}, ... 'Cthulhu': {'gamble': Gamble(W=-1.0, D=0.4, L=-1.0), 'lpr': 0.4}} ... ) """ milp = ecyglpki.Problem() # construct the linear program lp_setup(milp, accdss) maxval = len(accdss) - 1 # the largest possible payoff in the pool: # stake (==1) times number of other players # the unique lower prevision for included players milp.add_named_cols('lpr') milp.set_col_bnds('lpr', 0, None) for player in accdss.keys(): player_b = player + 'b' # the binary variable to select whether a player is included or not milp.add_named_cols(player_b) milp.set_col_kind(player_b, 'binary') # add constraints to ensure that a player's lpr # is either equal to the global one or zero i = milp.add_rows(3) # player_lpr <= lpr milp.set_row_bnds(i, None, 0) milp.set_mat_row(i, {player + 'lpr': 1, 'lpr': -1}) # player_lpr <= maxval * player_b milp.set_row_bnds(i+1, None, 0) milp.set_mat_row(i+1, {player + 'lpr': 1, player_b: -maxval}) # lpr - player_lpr <= maxval * (1 - player_b) milp.set_row_bnds(i+2, None, maxval) milp.set_mat_row(i+2, {'lpr': 1, player + 'lpr': -1, player_b: maxval}) # -1 * player_b <= player_outcome <= maxval * player_b for outcome in pspace: i = milp.add_rows(2) milp.set_row_bnds(i, None, 0) milp.set_mat_row(i, {player + outcome: 1, player_b: -maxval}) milp.set_row_bnds(i+1, 0, None) milp.set_mat_row(i+1, {player + outcome: 1, player_b: 1}) # solve the mixed integer linear program milp.set_obj_dir('maximize') iocp = ecyglpki.IntOptControls() # (default) int. opt. control parameters iocp.presolve = True status = milp.intopt(iocp) if status != 'optimal': raise RuntimeError('Error while solving...: ' + status) # fix the binary variables to their computed value and find exact solution for player in accdss.keys(): player_b = player + 'b' player_b_val = milp.mip_col_val(player_b) milp.set_col_bnds(player_b, player_b_val, player_b_val) smcp = ecyglpki.SimplexControls() # (default) simplex control parameters smcp.presolve = True status = milp.simplex(smcp) # solve if status != 'optimal': raise RuntimeError('Error while solving...: ' + status) smcp.presolve = False status = milp.exact(smcp) # now solve exactly if status != 'optimal': raise RuntimeError('Error while solving...: ' + status) return {player: { 'gamble': Gamble(*(milp.get_col_prim(player + outcome) for outcome in pspace)), 'lpr': milp.get_col_prim(player + 'lpr') } for player in accdss.keys()}