

class epyglpki.SimplexSolver

The problem’s simplex solver

basis(algorithm, status, warmup=False)

Change or retrieve basis

A basis is defined by the statuses assigned to all variables and constraints; the possible statuses are

  • 'basic': basic
  • 'lower': non-basic with active lower bound
  • 'upper': non-basic with active upper bound
  • 'free': non-basic free
  • 'fixed': non-basic fixed

A basis is valid if the basis matrix is non-singular, which implies that the number of basic variables and constraints is equal to the total number of constraints.

  • algorithm (str) –

    an algorithm for generating a basis (omit to keep current basis), chosen from

    • 'standard': sets all constraints as basic
    • 'advanced': sets as basic
      1. all non-fixed constraints
      2. as many non-fixed variables as possible, while preserving the lower triangular structure of the basis matrix
      3. appropriate fixed constraints to complete the basis
    • 'Bixby': algorithm used by CPLEX, as discussed by Bixby
  • status (Mapping from Variable or Constraint to str) – the mapping of statuses to change (omit for retrieval only)
  • warmup (bool) – whether to ‘warm up’ the basis, so that SimplexSolver.solve() can be used without presolving

a mapping of the basis statuses of all variables and constraints

Return type:

dict from Variable or Constraint to str



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After SimplexSolver.solve() has been run successfully, the basis is left in a valid state. So it is not necessary to run this method before, e.g., re-optimizating after only the objective has been changed.


Return the values of the constraints for the current solution

Parameters:dual (bool) – whether to return dual or primal values
Returns:the nonzero values of the constraints for the current solution
Return type:dict from Constraint to float
Raises TypeError:
 if dual is not bool


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controls(defaults=False, **controls)

Change or retrieve the solver’s control parameters

  • defaults (bool) – whether to set the parameters back to their default values or not
  • controls

    zero or more named parameters to change from the following list:

    • msg_lev (str) – the message level, with possible values
      • 'no': no output
      • 'warnerror': warnings and errors only
      • 'normal': normal output
      • 'full': normal output and informational messages
    • meth (str) – simplex method, with possible values
      • 'primal': two-phase primal simplex
      • 'dual': two-phase dual simplex
      • 'dual_fail_primal': two-phase dual simplex and, if it fails, switch to primal simplex
    • pricing (str) – pricing technique, with possible values
      • 'Dantzig': standard ‘textbook’
      • 'steepest': projected steepest edge
    • r_test (str) – ratio test technique, with possible values
      • 'standard': standard ‘textbook’
      • 'Harris': Harris’s two-pass ratio test
    • tol_bnd (Real) – tolerance used to check if the basic solution is primal feasible
    • tol_dj (Real) – tolerance used to check if the basic solution is dual feasible
    • tol_piv (Real) – tolerance used to choose eligble pivotal elements of the simplex table
    • obj_ll (Real) – lower limit of the objective function (only if meth is 'dual')
    • obj_ul (Real) – upper limit of the objective function (only if meth is 'dual')
    • it_lim (Integral) – iteration limit
    • tm_lim (Integral) – time limit [ms]
    • out_frq (Integral) – output frequency [iterations] of informational messages
    • out_dly (Integral) – output delay [ms] of solution process information
    • presolve (bool) – use LP presolver

    or, for basis factorization, from the following list:

    • type (str) – basis factorization type, with possible values
      • 'Forrest-Tomlin': LU + Forrest–Tomlin update
      • 'Bartels-Golub': LU + Schur complement + Bartels–Golub update
      • 'Givens': LU + Schur complement + Givens rotation update
    • lu_size (Integral) – initial size of the Sparse Vector Area, in non-zeros (for first LU-factorization; set to 0 to determine it automatically)
    • piv_tol (Real) – Markowitz threshold pivoting tolerance (value must lie between 0 and 1)
    • piv_lim (Integral) – number of pivot candidates that need to be considered on choosing a pivot element (at least 1)
    • suhl (bool) – use Suhl heuristic
    • eps_tol (Real) – tolerance below which numbers are replaced by zero
    • max_gro (Real) – maximal growth factor of elements of the U-matrix above which the basis matrix is considered ill-conditioned
    • nfs_max (Integral) – maximal number of additional row-like factors (used only when type is 'Forrest-Tomlin')
    • upd_tol (Real) – update tolerance for the relative magnitude of diagonal elements of U determining whether the factorization is inaccurate (value must lie between 0 and 1; used only when type is 'Forrest-Tomlin')
    • nrs_max (Integral) – maximal number of additional row and columns (used only when type is 'Bartels-Golub' or Givens')
    • rs_size (Integral) – initial size of the Sparse Vector Area, in non-zeros (for initial LU-factorization; set to 0 to determine it automatically; used only when type is 'Bartels-Golub' or Givens')
Raises ValueError:

if a non-existing control name is given


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Return the objective value for the current solution

Returns:the objective value for the current solution
Return type:float


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print_ranges(varstraints, fname)

Write a sensitivity analysis report to file in readable format

  • varstraints (Sequence of Variable and/or Constraint) – sequence of variables and/or constraints to analyze
  • fname (str) – the name of the file to write to


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Write the solution to a file in a readable format

Parameters:fname (str) – the name of the file to write to
Raises RuntimeError:
 if there is an error writing the file


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Read the solution from a file

Parameters:fname (str) – the name of the file to read from (written by SimplexSolver.write_solution())
Raises RuntimeError:
 if there is an error reading the file


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Solve the linear program


exact (bool) – whether to use exact arithmetic or not (only if the meth control parameter is 'primal')


solution status; see SimplexSolver.status() for details, or "obj_ll reached" or "obj_ul reached" in case that happens

Return type:


  • ValueError – if exact is True but the meth control parameter is not 'primal'
  • ValueError – if finite values are set for obj_ll or obj_ll while the meth control parameter is not 'dual'
  • ValueError – if the basis is invalid
  • ValueError – if the basis matrix is singular
  • ValueError – if the basis matrix is ill-conditioned
  • ValueError – if incorrect bounds are given
  • RuntimeError – in case of solver failure
  • StopIteration – if the iteration limit is exceeded
  • StopIteration – if the time limit is exceeded
  • StopIteration – if the presolver detects the problem has no primal feasible solution
  • StopIteration – if the presolver detects the problem has no dual feasible solution


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Return the current solution status

Parameters:detailed (bool) – whether to give a detailed solution status
Returns:the current solution status
  • in case detailed is False, either 'undefined', 'optimal, 'infeasible', 'no feasible', 'feasible', or 'unbounded'
  • in case detailed is True, a pair of statuses is given, one for the primal solution and one for the dual solution, either 'undefined', 'infeasible', 'no feasible', or 'feasible'
Return type:str or length-2 tuple of str


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Return a variable or constraint causing unboundedness

Returns:a variable or constraint causing unboundedness (if any) and the nature of the unboundedness, either 'primal' or 'dual'
Return type:length-2 tuple of Variable or Constraint and str


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Return the values of the variables for the current solution

Parameters:dual (bool) – whether to return dual or primal values
Returns:the nonzero values of the variables for the current solution
Return type:dict from Variable to float
Raises TypeError:
 if dual is not bool


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Write the solution to a file

Parameters:fname (str) – the name of the file to write to
Raises RuntimeError:
 if there is an error writing the file


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Interior Point

class epyglpki.IPointSolver

The problem’s interior point solver


Return the values of the constraints for the current solution

Parameters:dual (bool) – whether to return dual or primal values
Returns:the nonzero values of the constraints for the current solution
Return type:dict from Constraint to float
Raises TypeError:
 if dual is not bool


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controls(defaults=False, **controls)

Change or retrieve the solver’s control parameters

  • defaults (bool) – whether to set the parameters back to their default values or not
  • controls

    zero or more named parameters to change from the following list:

    • msg_lev (str) – the message level, with possible values
      • 'no': no output
      • 'warnerror': warnings and errors only
      • 'normal': normal output
      • 'full': normal output and informational messages
    • ord_alg (str) – the ordering algorithm used prior to Cholesky factorization, with possible values
      • 'orig': normal (original)
      • 'qmd': quotient minimum degree
      • 'amd': approximate minimum degree
      • 'symamd': approximate minimum degree for symmetric matrices
Raises ValueError:

if a non-existing control name is given


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Return the objective value for the current solution

Returns:the objective value for the current solution
Return type:float


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Write the solution to a file in a readable format

Parameters:fname (str) – the name of the file to write to
Raises RuntimeError:
 if there is an error writing the file


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Read the solution from a file

Parameters:fname (str) – the name of the file to read from (written by IPointSolver.write_solution())
Raises RuntimeError:
 if there is an error reading the file


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Solve the linear program


solution status; see IPointSolver.status() for details

Return type:




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Return the current solution status

Returns:the current solution status, either 'undefined', 'optimal, 'infeasible', or 'no feasible'
Return type:str


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Return the values of the variables for the current solution

Parameters:dual (bool) – whether to return dual or primal values
Returns:the nonzero values of the variables for the current solution
Return type:dict from Variable to float
Raises TypeError:
 if dual is not bool


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Write the solution to a file

Parameters:fname (str) – the name of the file to write to
Raises RuntimeError:
 if there is an error writing the file


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Integer Optimization

class epyglpki.IntOptSolver

The problem’s integer optimization solver


Return the values of the constraints for the current solution

Returns:the nonzero values of the constraints for the current solution
Return type:dict from Constraint to float


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controls(defaults=False, **controls)

Change or retrieve the solver’s control parameters

  • defaults (bool) – whether to set the parameters back to their default values or not
  • controls

    zero or more named parameters to change from the following list:

    • msg_lev (str) – the message level, with possible values
      • 'no': no output
      • 'warnerror': warnings and errors only
      • 'normal': normal output
      • 'full': normal output and informational messages
    • out_frq (Integral) – output frequency [ms] of informational messages
    • out_dly (Integral) – output delay [ms] of current LP relaxation solution
    • tm_lim (Integral) – time limit [ms]
    • br_tech (str) – the branching technique, with possible values
      • 'first_fracvar': first fractional variable
      • 'last_fracvar': last fractional variable
      • 'most_fracvar': most fractional variable
      • 'Driebeek-Tomlin': heuristic by Driebeek & Tomlin
      • 'hybrid_peudocost': hybrid pseudocost heuristic
    • bt_tech (str) – the backtracking technique, with possible values
      • 'depth': depth first search
      • 'breadth': breadth first search
      • 'bound': best local bound
      • 'projection': best projection heuristic
    • pp_tech (str) – the preprocessing technique, with possible values
      • 'none': disable preprocessing
      • 'root': preprocessing only on the root level
      • 'all': preprocessing on all levels
    • mir_cuts (bool) – generate mixed integer rounding cuts
    • gmi_cuts (bool) – generate Gomory’s mixed integer cuts
    • cov_cuts (bool) – generate mixed cover cuts
    • clq_cuts (bool) – generate clique cuts
    • fp_heur (bool) – apply feasibility pump heuristic
    • tol_int (Real) – absolute tolerance used to check if the optimal solution to the current LP relaxation is integer feasible
    • tol_obj (Real) – relative tolerance used to check if the objective value in the optimal solution to the current LP relaxation is not better than in the best known integer feasible solution.
    • mip_gap (Real) – relative MIP-gap tolerance (search stops once the relative MIP-gap falls below this value)
    • presolve (bool) – use MIP presolver, may simplify the problem
    • binarize (bool) – binarize integer variables (only used if presolve is True)
Raises ValueError:

if a non-existing control name is given


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Return the objective value for the current solution

Returns:the objective value for the current solution
Return type:float


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Write the solution to a file in a readable format

Parameters:fname (str) – the name of the file to write to
Raises RuntimeError:
 if there is an error writing the file


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Read the solution from a file

Parameters:fname (str) – the name of the file to read from (written by IntOptSolver.write_solution())
Raises RuntimeError:
 if there is an error reading the file


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solve(solver='branchcut', obj_bound)

Solve the mixed-integer linear program

  • solver (str) –

    which solver to use, chosen from

    • 'branchcut': a branch-and-cut solver
    • 'intfeas1': a SAT solver based integer feasibility solver; applicable only to problems
      • that are feasibility problems (but see obj_bound description)
      • with only binary variables (and integer variables with coinciding lower and upper bound)
      • with all-integer coefficients

      and furthermore efficient mainly for problems with constraints that are covering, packing, or partitioning inequalities, i.e., sums of binary variables \(x\) or their ‘negation’ \(1-x\), smaller than, equal to, or larger than \(1\).

  • obj_bound (Integral) – if solver is 'intfeas1', a solution is considered feasible only if the corresponding objective value is not worse than this bound (not used if solver is 'branchcut')

solution status; see IntOptSolver.status() for details

Return type:


  • ValueError – if solver is neither 'branchcut' nor 'intfeas1'
  • TypeError – if obj_bound is not Integral
  • ValueError – if incorrect bounds are given
  • ValueError – if no optimal LP relaxation basis has been provided
  • ValueError – if the LP relaxation is infeasible
  • ValueError – if the LP relaxation is unbounded
  • RuntimeError – in case of solver failure
  • StopIteration – if the relative mip gap tolerance has been reached
  • StopIteration – if the time limit has been exceeded
  • StopIteration – if the branch-and-cut callback terminated the solver
  • ValueError – if not all problem parameters are integer (only relevant if solver is 'intfeas1')
  • OverflowError – if an integer overflow occurred when transforming to CNF SAT format


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Return the current solution status

Returns:the current solution status, either 'undefined', 'optimal, 'no feasible', or 'feasible'
Return type:str


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Return the values of the variables for the current solution

Returns:the nonzero values of the variables for the current solution
Return type:dict from Variable to float or int
Raises ValueError:
 if a variable with 'integer' or 'binary' kind has a non-integer value


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Write the solution to a file

Parameters:fname (str) – the name of the file to write to
Raises RuntimeError:
 if there is an error writing the file


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