Source code for murasyp.credalsets

from collections import Mapping
from cdd import Matrix, RepType
from murasyp.massfuncs import PMFunc
from murasyp.gambles import Gamble, Ray
#import murasyp.credalsets
import murasyp.mathprog

[docs]class CredalSet(set): """A set of probability mass functions :type `data`: a non-:class:`~collections.Mapping` :class:`~collections.Iterable` :class:`~collections.Container` of arguments accepted by the :class:`~murasyp.massfuncs.PMFunc` constructor. >>> assert ( ... CredalSet('abc') == ... CredalSet({PMFunc({'a': 1}), PMFunc({'b': 1}), PMFunc({'c': 1})}) ... ) This class derives from :class:`~set`, so its methods apply here as well. .. todo:: test all set methods and fix, or elegantly deal with, broken ones Additional and changed methods: * Lower and upper (conditional) expectations can be calculated, using the ``*`` and ``**`` operators, respectively. >>> p = PMFunc({'a': .03, 'b': .07, 'c': .9}) >>> q = PMFunc({'a': .07, 'b': .03, 'c': .9}) >>> K = CredalSet([p, q]) >>> f = Gamble({'a': -1, 'b': 1, 'c': 0}) >>> K * f Fraction(-1, 25) >>> K ** f Fraction(1, 25) >>> K * (f | Fraction(-2, 5) >>> K ** (f | Fraction(2, 5) .. note:: The domain of the gamble determines the conditioning event. * They can be conditioned (each element :class:`~murasyp.massfuncs.PMFunc` is). >>> p = PMFunc({'a': .03, 'b': .07, 'c': .9}) >>> q = PMFunc({'a': .07, 'b': .03, 'c': .9}) >>> K = CredalSet([p, q]) >>> f = Gamble({'a': -1, 'b': 1}) >>> A = {'a','b'} >>> (K | A) * f Fraction(-2, 5) >>> (K | A) ** f Fraction(2, 5) This does not impede the classical union of sets. >>> assert ( ... CredalSet('a') | CredalSet('b') == ... CredalSet({PMFunc({'a': 1}), PMFunc({'b': 1})}) ... ) """ def __init__(self, data=[]): """Initialize a credal set""" if isinstance(data, Mapping): raise TypeError(type(self) + " does not accept a mapping," + " but you passed it " + str(data)) else: set.__init__(self, (PMFunc(element) for element in data))
[docs] def add(self, data): """Add a probability mass function to the credal set :type `data`: arguments accepted by the :class:`~murasyp.massfuncs.PMFunc` constructor >>> K = CredalSet() >>> assert K == CredalSet() >>> K.add({'a': .06, 'b': .14, 'c': 1.8, 'd': 0}) >>> assert ( ... K == ... CredalSet({PMFunc({'a': '3/100', 'c': '9/10', 'b': '7/100'})}) ... ) .. todo:: see whether all set functionality is carried over """ set.add(self, PMFunc(data))
[docs] def discard(self, data): """Remove a probability mass function from the credal set :type `data`: arguments accepted by the :class:`~murasyp.massfuncs.PMFunc` constructor >>> K = CredalSet('ab') >>> assert K == CredalSet({PMFunc({'a': 1}), PMFunc({'b': 1})}) >>> K.discard(PMFunc({'a'})) >>> assert K == CredalSet({PMFunc({'b': 1})}) .. todo:: see whether all set functionality is carried over """ set.discard(self, PMFunc(data))
def __or__(self, other): """Credal set conditional on the given event""" if isinstance(other, CredalSet): return CredalSet(self.union(other)) else: K = {p | other for p in self} if any(p == None for p in K): return type(self)(other) else: return type(self)(K) def __mul__(self, other): """Lower expectation of a gamble""" if isinstance(other, Gamble): if len(self) == 0: raise Error("Empty credal sets have no expectations") else: return min(p * other for p in self) else: raise TypeError(str(other) + " is not a gamble") def __pow__(self, other): """Upper expectation of a gamble""" if isinstance(other, Gamble): if len(self) == 0: raise Error("Empty credal sets have no expectations") else: return max(p * other for p in self) else: raise TypeError(str(other) + " is not a gamble")
[docs] def pspace(self): """The possibility space of the credal set :returns: the possibility space of the credal set, i.e., the union of the domains of the probability mass functions it contains :rtype: :class:`frozenset` >>> p = PMFunc({'a': .03, 'b': .07}) >>> q = PMFunc({'a': .07, 'c': .03}) >>> K = CredalSet([p, q]) >>> assert K.pspace() == frozenset({'a', 'c', 'b'}) """ return frozenset.union(*(p.domain() for p in self))
[docs] def discard_redundant(self): """Remove redundant elements from the credal set Redundant elements are those that are not vertices of the credal set's convex hull. >>> K = CredalSet('abc') >>> K.add({'a': 1, 'b': 1, 'c': 1}) >>> assert ( ... K == ... CredalSet( ... {PMFunc({'a': '1/3', 'c': '1/3', 'b': '1/3'}), ... PMFunc({'a': 1}), PMFunc({'b': 1}), PMFunc({'c': 1})} ... ) ... ) >>> K.discard_redundant() >>> assert ( ... K == ... CredalSet( ... {PMFunc({'a': 1}), PMFunc({'b': 1}), PMFunc({'c': 1})}) ... ) """ pspace = list(self.pspace()) K = list(self) mat = Matrix(list([1] + list(p[x] for x in pspace) for p in K), number_type='fraction') mat.rep_type = RepType.GENERATOR lin, red = mat.canonicalize() for i in red: self.discard(K[i])
[docs] def get_desir(self): """Generate the corresponding open set of desirable gambles :returns: the set of desirable gambles that corresponds as an uncertainty model :rtype: :class:`~murasyp.desirs.DesirSet` >>> assert ( ... CredalSet([PMFunc({'a', 'b'}), PMFunc({'c', 'b'}), ... PMFunc({'a'}), PMFunc({'c'})]).get_desir() == ... DesirSet({Cone({Ray({'a': 1}), Ray({'b': 1}), Ray({'c': 1}), ... Ray({'a': 1, 'c': 1, 'b': -1})})}) ... ) """ return murasyp.desirs.DesirSet([murasyp.mathprog.vf_enumeration(self)])